
YMHA will publish announcements in the local newspapers and on its website indicating when the Waiting List will open for applications.

Answer: Unfortunately, we don’t have emergency housing assistance for the Housing Choice Voucher Program but the agency does have an Emergency Housing Voucher Program. YMHA was awarded 41 vouchers for emergency housing assistance. The program began July 1, 2021.The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program is available under funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The EHV Program target population is for those individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness; at risk of experiencing homelessness; fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; or were recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having high risk of housing instability. They do not apply to any population other than those noted above.

This program is offered in partnership with the Mahoning County Continuum of Care. The availability of these vouchers is limited and managed through a direct referral process. If you believe you meet the target population, contact the Mahoning County Continuum of Care at (330)746-7721.

Answer: No. When an applicant reaches the top of the Waiting List, an application appointment will be scheduled. The family will need to provide various documents and information in order for YMHA to determine eligibility.
Answer: YMHA does not assist in the payment of the security deposit.
Answer: The owner and tenant are responsible for determining utility responsibility. These responsibilities are set forth through the lease and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract.
Answer: Non-resident applicants must reside in YMHA’s jurisdiction during the initial year of assistance. Following that, participants may exercise the portability option of the voucher program.
Answer: The amount of subsidy is based on your annual income and family composition. Participants generally pay between 30-40% of the rent. In all cases, however, during the first year of the lease, participants cannot pay more than 40% of their income towards rent and utilities.